Partner with me at REAL!

I truly believe that not every brokerage is right for every person, so it’s ok if REAL isn’t for you! I spent time at traditional “legacy” brokerages and I three years at eXp Realty - the first cloud brokerage. And there were great things about each of them, but there were also things I would change. In 2024, I decided to move my real estate business to REAL Broker, LLC because I saw how they took what eXp created and made it better! I also know the value of a dollar and the numbers just made more sense. I had good years (where I ICONed) and not so good years, and no matter how much volume I did - I would have made more money at REAL! I also love the people at REAL. It is much more inclusive and collaborative then I felt eXp was.

When you partner with me at REAL Broker, you will be joining over 15,000 agents who are super excited to meet you! If you join with as your sponsor, you become a member of my group - the “REAL Agent Collective,” where we mastermind, share, vent, and collaborate on all things business, real estate, finances, marketing, and family. Whether you are joining from my home state of Maryland, or anywhere across the US and Canada, there is a place for you here.

Why I left eXp Realty for REAL Broker, LLC

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  • REAL Broker charges an 85/15 split for every solo agent no matter the production or location - no special deals here. Teams splits are established individually.

  • REAL Broker has a $12,000 CAP for ever individual agent and every team leader. Team members can have either a $6,000 cap or a $3,000 CAP depending on the team structure.

  • Rev share is where the company shares their “revenue” off the top with agents who help grow the company. It was modeled off of “profit share” developed by Keller Williams, but because it is paid off the top, and not out of company profits, it is guaranteed payments. Of the 15% commission split paid to the company (capped at $12,000 per agent), REAL “shares” a portion of it back to the sponsoring agents as a thank you for recommending the company. The money does NOT come out of the agent’s pocket, rather from the company dollar.

    There are 5 tiers in the REAL rev share model (where eXp and Keller Williams had 7), but the model is made to be top heavy to benefit the. most agents. The 7 level system heavily benefited the major “recruiters/attractors” since the average person barely opened up tier 3.

    Payments for each level are as follows:

    Tier 1: 5% (up to $4,000)
    Tier 2: 4% (up to $3,200)
    Tier 3: 3% (up to $2,400)
    Tier 4: 2% (up to $1,600)
    Tier 5: 1% (up to $800)

    *When someone joins the company without a sponsor their rev share dollars go back to the company.

  • REAL Broker does not charge a monthly fee, but DOES charge an annual fee of $750 charged as $250 per deal from your first 3 deals every year. So if you only close 2 deals, your annual fee is $500. If you don’t close any deals, you don’t have to pay an annual fee.

    There is a $249 start-up fee paid one time at application.

    REAL also has a $30 BEOP (Broker Review, E&O, and Processing Fee) per transaction, for every transaction (pre and post CAP).

    Once you CAP and are making 100%, of your commission, REAL charges a $285 transaction fee per deal up to $6,000 (or 22 deals). Achieving this is known as “Elite Agent” where you get your CAP back in company stock.

  • REAL offers a free company hosted website that is branded to you where you can showcase listings, testimonials and contact info.

    REAL also has a partnership with Lofty (formerly CHIME) where agents can get the full CRM plus IDX website for only $40/mo (a discount of 90% off of the retail price).

Why partner with Amanda Calhoun at REAL Broker, LLC?


Access to my library of customizable social media graphics, templates, guides, and checklists in Google Drive and Canva


Wednesdays: REAL Agent Collective Mastermind for accountability and mentorship


Access to multiple business planning and budgeting spreadsheets to help grow you, track, and manage your business


Unlimited Access to me (via text, call, or email) for anything you need - seriously, I am your business partner!

 Additional benefits received when you join REAL Broker, LLC

reZEN is REAL Broker’s in house all-in-one app that puts your real estate business in the palm of your hand.

  • Track your financials, including commission earnings

  • Track progress toward cap and elite agent status

  • Manage your transactions, upload and sign documents, and add/adjust partners + referrals

  • Generate a CDA on demand & send to anyone you want

  • Deposit checks directly from your mobile device

  • Communicate with your broker

  • Access the Marketing Center

  • Adjust your Wealth Plan

  • See sponsorship and rev share data

  • Access REAL Academy trainings

  • Run transaction and business reports

  • View awards

✔ REAL Academy provides a digital library of over 200 recorded training sessions and course catering to every stage of your career PLUS over 20 live hours of training sessions each week. These sessions include mastermind discussion groups, individual classes, courses, and workshops.

✔ Lofty is an award-winning, AI-powered, real estate solution with a robust CRM, IDX website, lead generation tools, and social media marketing. Through REAL’s discount, you get access to this intuitive platform for only $40/mo (a 90% discount over the retail price)!

✔ Additional benefits include access to stock grants/awards, health insurance, REAL Retirement, and willable revenue share.


 Ready to make the switch?

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Questions about REAL Broker, LLC?

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